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How to enter flights.

Please give me the following data: If you want to be really kind to me, use the following format:

A flight on 10 May 2002, from Bell to Swanage, on a Gin Boomerang, about 37km:
((10 5 2) ((ST 797 086 "Bell Hill") (SZ 015 785 "Swanage")) "Gin Boomerang") 37.2km

A flight on 15 April 2002, from Bell via a turnpoint at Bere Regis, landing at Weymouth, flown on a Gin Oasis, about 37km:
((15 4 2002) ((ST 797 086 "Bell Hill") (SY 848 948 "Bere Regis") (SY 665 820 "Weymouth")) "Gin Oasis") 37km


In our league, the Ordnance Survey National Grid is used to calculate how far you flew. Your GPS does not always agree exactly with the Ordnance Survey, and, surprisingly often, people misread their GPSs. If you obtain your grid references from GPS, I would appreciate if you check that they make sense by looking them up on an OS map. A brief guide to doing this on-line can be found below.

Grid References

The best way to find the relevant grid references for your flight, is by looking on an OS map. Here is an example of how you could do this on-line:

Imagine you have landed next to the roundabout which is on the West side of Wareham ...