Terms of Reciprocal Club Agreements
We recognise that the organisation of foot launch gliding in the U.K. is based almost entirely on goodwill and co-operation. We therefore ask you to observe the following guidelines in order to maximise the enjoyment of all concerned.
Such membership provides flying and social benefits to full members of both clubs.
Reciprocal membership carries no voting rights and is not extended to temporary or associate members of either club.
Only fly those sites marked in the club site guide as being available to Reciprocal Members.
Reciprocal members should be familiar with the relevant Sites Guide and before each days flying are requested to either visit the clubs web site or speak to a 'home' member to check for any current restrictions or recommendations.
When visiting a reciprocal site, we ask pilots to introduce themselves to any 'home' members in attendance and provide proof of membership if requested.
Each editor of the clubs magazines will send a copy to the reciprocal editor for the dissemination of information.
Each club secretary will send a copy of any appropriate blanket e-mail notification messages to the reciprocal secretary for forwarding to their members.
Each clubs web site will have a direct link to the reciprocal clubs site.
These guidelines will be published on the web sites of all reciprocal clubs and in a monthly newsletter so that everyone is aware of them.
Remember - the success of foot launch gliding in this country depends on every pilot taking a responsible attitude to where, when and how he or she flies. Good sites can easily be lost by careless or selfish attitudes.