Club Contact Address:
The Secretary, Tim Oatley Wessex HGPG,


Executive Committee
Sean Staines
Andy Donaldson
Sites Officer
Rene Jungbar
Safety PG
Robin Wallace
Chief Coach (Club Coaching)
Coordinator and
Novice Rep.

Neil Russell

Non-Executive Committee
Tim Oatley
Membership Secretary
Andy Slater
Brian Watson
Safety HG
Richard Mosley
Club Mag Editor
Vacant Position
Web Site Admin
Richard Davis

Non-Elected Posts

Bell Hill Management


Tony Strickland

Darren Griffin

Richard Moslely

Wessex XC League Secretary
Colin Davies

Committee Hall of Fame

Members who have served on the club committee. This is based on records of AGMs since 2000, so runs from Mar of one year to Mar of the following year. It excludes the valuable work done by some members in unelected positions such as Bell Hill Management. Any errors/omissions, please contact me.
If you have never served on the committtee, isn't it about time you did?

Name Post(s) Committee Years
Bob Dear Magazine 1984-2009 25
Gary Puhl Treasurer 2016-2025
Chairman 1997-2000
Social 2002-2003, 2008-2009
PG Safety 2003-2005
Sean Staines Coach Co-ord 2007-2008, 2017-2020
Comps 2008-2012
PG Safety 2014-2017
Chairman 2020-present
Richard Mosley HG Safety 2010-present 15
John Blessing Web Admin 2004-2012
Membership 2007-2012
Richard Davis Coach Co-ord 2003-2004
Webmaster 2012-present
Stuart Martin Safety 2000-2001, 2008-2009
Chairman 2001-2006, 2009-2011
David Daniels Web 2000-2004
Secretary 2001-2005
Roger Edwards Secretary 2005-2008
Magazine 2009-2014
Everard Cunion HG Safety 2000-2006
Social 2017
Richard Thomason Secretary 2008-2012
Comps 2012-2015
Robin Wallace PG Safety 2018-present
Social 2019-2020
Andy Fenton Chairman 2016-2017
Sites 2011-2016
Neil McCain Social 2010-2012
Coach Co-ord 2013-2017
Pete Chalmers Chairman 2006-2009, 2011-2014 6
Jeremy Mortimer Treasurer 2001-2007 6
Ali Florence Sites 2006-2011 5
Gordon Crisp Sites 2016-2021 5
Brian Metcalfe PG Safety 2009-2014 5
Gary Pocock Membership 2016-2021 5
Pete Studzinski Treasurer 2007-2012 5
Ruth Kelly Magazine 2015-2017
Secretary 2012-2016
Adrian Bishop Comps 2000-2003
Social 1998-1999
Craig Byrne Social 2000-2001
Coach Co-ord 2006-2007
Chairman 2017-2019
Adrian Coombe Sites 1999-2002
Comps 2000-2001
Colin Davies Secretary 2020-2024 4
Andy Donaldson Membership 2021-2025
Treasurer 2025-present
Patrick Haughton Membership 2012-2016 4
Neil Hutchison Chairman 1994-1997
Social 2005-2006
John Readings Treasurer 2012-2016 4
Tony Strickland Social 2020-2024 4
James Smith Comps 2020-2024 4
Andy Ward Comps 2016-2020 4
Steve Auld Sec 1997-2000 3
Charles Campion-Smith Secretary 2016-2017
Chairman 2014-2016
Jane Ellis Treasurer 1999-2001
Secretary 1998-1999
Ian "Angus" Gillespie Secretary 2019-2020
Coach Co-ord 2020-2022
Martin Hayward Sites 2002-2005 3
Roy Menage Coach Co-ord 2010-2013 3
Dave Moores PG Safety 2001-2003
Social 2003-2004
Neil Russell Coach Co-ord 2022-present 3
John Welch PG Safety 2005-2008 3
Matthew Whicher HG Safety 2007-2010 3
John Alder Safety 1998-2000 2
Nigel Cowley Sites 2022-2024 2
Andy Dawson Magazine 2019-2021 2
Paul Escott Secretary 2005-2006
Membership 2006-2007
Gill Legras Comps 2006-2008 2
Sean Lovatt Coach Co-ord 2004-2006 2
Gary Mullins Coach Co-ord 2008-2010 2
George Nott-Bower Magazine 2017-2019 2
Graeme Willgress Coach Co-ord 2001-2003 2
Keith Wright Comps 2004-2006 2
Alan Webb Secretary 2017-2019
Chairman 2019-2020
Nicole Barnard Social 2004-2005 1
Matthew Charlesworth HG Safety 2006-2007 1
Jacek Generowicz 1999-2000 1
Paul Hawkins PG Safety 2017-2018 1
Nigel Kermode Bell Hill co-ord 2003-2004 1
Tracey King Social 2001-2002 1
Grant Oseland Social 2016-2017 1
Pob Power Comps 1998-1999 1
Jerry Siddle Secretary 2000-2001 1
Richard Westgate Chairman 2000-2001 1
Dave Winn Social 2010-2011 1
Brian Watson Comps 2024-present 1
Rene Jungbar Sites 2024-present 1
Tim Oatley Secretary 2024-present 1
Andy Slater Membership 2025-present -

Can't put a name to a face? Check out the Members' Mugshots

Members List

Member type   HG/PG?   Sort By? 

Click on a members' name to see their mugshot.. No more confusion about who's who. Send me your mugshots and everyone will recognise you. There are still a lot of you who haven't - come on, don't be shy.

NamePGHGMember Type
Adrian BishopAP H L
Adrian CoombeP H L
Adrian LeppardP H CC T LN
Alan BirtlesAP H CC T F
Alan BoothP H LN
Alan BourneCP H F
Alan OliverP H CC F
Alan WebbP H CC F
Alastair FlorenceP H F
Alex Omar AyadP H F
Alexis RoxburghP H F
Alister MorleyCP H N
Anders OlesenCP H F
Andrew CraigP H T F
Andrew CunninghamCP H T F
Andrew HoltP H T MEP HF
Andrew JemisonCP H F
Andrew PearseAP H D CFI TEP HL
Andrew RuffP HCP HF
Andrew WardAP H CC F
Andrew Wilczur EP HN
Andy CampbellEP H N
Andy DawsonAP H T L
Andy DonaldsonP H F
Andy FentonP H M F
Andy HutchinsonCP H F
Andy SlaterP H F
Anna MarkeyP H N
Anthony JamesP H F
Anthony LucchesiCP H MAP H TF
Anthony Stephens AP H TLN
Anthony StricklandP H CC F
Anthony WoodleyP HP HF
Antony NobleCP H F
Barnaby Henshaw-DepledgeCP H F
Ben BaileyCP H F
Ben CantrellCP H F
Bob Dear CP HLN
Bob FossCP H CC F
Bob JonesCP H LN
Brian MetcalfeP HCP HF
Brian RoscoeP H M F
Brian SearleP H F
Brian WatsonP H F
Bryan ReganP H F
Bryan SticklerP H F
Charles BlackP H F
Charles Campion-SmithP H N
Charlie EllingworthCP H F
Charlie PatersonP H F
Chris BarrattP H F
Chris BurtonCP H F
Chris GrahamCP H F
Chris MattocksP H F
Chris SmithP H F
Christopher FreebornCP H F
Colin WilliamsonP H F
Csaba PremerP H F
Curtis BraundP H F
Dafer AlshehriEP T N
Darren CareyP H F
Darren GriffinP H F
Dave Bhattachargee CP H DL
Dave MooresAP H D CC LN
Dave WittsCP H F
David AlmondP H F
David DarbyshireP H F
David ElandCP H F
David FranklinP H L
David HarveyP H D CFI CC F
David HawkinsCP H LN
David JoyceP H F
David MckayP H F
David OrmerodCP H N
David WinnP H D CC N
David WrigleyCP H T F
Derek BanisterCP HCP HLN
Derek LuffmanP H F
Diego ChiarotCP H F
Domenica LopaneCP H L
Dominic BrownP H F
Dudi RossCP H F
Duncan ManningP H F
Duncan RaynerCP H F
Eddie ColfoxAP H D SI T M F
Eduardo FagnaniP H F
Ellis BirdCP H F
Elvijs UngursP H N
Eric PearceyAP HAP H TL
Felipe SfreddoP H F
Fiona DalzellAP H L
Fritz FinkP H F
Gary ParsonsCP H F
Gary PuhlAP H T L
Gary VaughanP H D F
Gavin FitzpatrickCP H LN
Gavin RamsayP H F
George CoxP H F
George Nott-BowerP H F
George Shapland AP H D CC MLN
Giles FearnCP H N
Gillian LegrasCP H LN
Giusseppe LundP H T M F
Glyn CassidyP H CC F
Goran ObergP H F
Gordon CrispP H CC F
Graham BennettCP H F
Graham HowellCP H F
Greg KnottCP H F
Gregory HoyCP H F
Hamish BradwellCP H F
Hannah HoareCP H F
Harry DikeP H T L
Harry HanscombP H F
Helen CoombesP H L
Helen SpallAP H LN
Henry HookingsP H CC F
Howard BlytheCP H F
Howard RhindP H F
Hugh KennedyCP H F
Ian Bruce CP H MLN
Ian GillespieP H CC M N
Ian HobbisP H F
Ian MacadamAP HAP H T MF
Ian McgowanCP H L
Ian OrpeP H LN
Jacek FlakP H F
Jakub MajdaCP H F
James BraundP H F
James Francis-TaylorCP H F
James LynchP H F
James ShearingCP H F
James SmithP H F
James SpallP H CC LN
James TawseCP H L
Jan KottP H F
Jared GlisterCP H F
Jason HemmingsCP H F
Jay PowerP H TEP HF
Jeff DaviesCP H F
Jeremy CalderwoodP H F
Jerome DurandCP H F
Jerry SiddleP H T L
Jim PendleburyCP H LN
John AlderP HP H TL
John BlessingP H L
John BurrowsP HCP HF
John FletcherP H LN
John Meredith P H T MF
John MitchellP H D TI CC LN
John PinchinP H LN
John PorterCP H LN
John ReadingsP H LN
John WelchAP H D CFI T M L
John WoodgateCP H F
John WrefordP H F
Jonathan BinghamCP H F
Jonathan ClarkeP H F
Jonathan HarropCP H L
Jonathan MeyerCP H F
Jonathan StockleyP H F
Julian PearsonP H F
Julian PhippsCP HCP HL
Julian YatesP H F
Justin SmithCP H F
Kaye EscottP H CC TCP T MLN
Keith WrightP H T L
Kevin DingleyCP H F
Kevin KirkCP H F
Kieron HobanP H T M F
Kin CheungCP H F
Kire AntoskiCP H F
Kit LongCP H F
Leo WhitfieldP H M F
Lily-Mae FisherCP H F
Luke BaldryP H M F
Magdalena PietrynaP H F
Malcolm SuchCP H L
Marcin NiezgodaP H F
Marcus TettP H T F
Marcus WebsterP H F
Mark EmeryCP H F
Mark PullingCP H M F
Mark RussellAP H D L
Mark StowCP H F
Mark TattersallP H F
Mark TaylorP H F
Marshall Irving CP HF
Martin BeethamP H L
Martin CarterCP H F
Martin GminskiP H CC T M F
Martin HaywardP H LN
Martin OrrP HCP HF
Martin WarehamP H F
Martin WoolleyP H T F
Martin WorthingtonCP H F
Matthew Whicher P H TLN
Matthew WhiteCP H F
Maurice HumberstoneCP H LN
Mikal DunnP H F
Mike BennettP H D L
Mike BrethertonP H CC T LN
Mike HibbitP HCP HF
MikoĊ‚aj ManolopulosP H F
Neil HarrisP H T L
Neil KermodeCP H LN
Neil MccainAP H D F
Neil RussellP H SC F
Neil WeymouthP H F
Neill FranklinP H L
Nick FrancisCP H F
Nicole MooresP H LN
Nigel BournP H F
Nigel CowleyP H F
Nigel RendellP H F
Oleg PicukanovCP H N
Oliver HaseldenCP H F
Oliver SmartCP H F
Patryk RosinskiP H F
Paul CherryCP H M F
Paul EscottP H CC TCP T MLN
Paul HawkinsP H D F
Pete ChalmersAP H T L
Peter RobinsonP HP HLN
Peter WilbournP H F
Phil CloughCP H F
Phil Smith CP HL
Philip AblettCP H F
Philip VennP HCP HF
Phillip BrolanP H F
Piotr MatrasCP H F
Przemyslaw MarekCP H F
Quentin RoseP H M F
Radoslaw BebenekCP H F
Rafal TalarekP H CC T F
Rafal WiatrCP H F
Richard BarberAP H T F
Richard BraleyCP H M F
Richard CurleCP H F
Richard CursonCP H F
Richard DavisP H F
Richard EddingtonP H M LN
Richard FurneauxCP H L
Richard GregoryCP H F
Richard Mosley CP HL
Richard RileyCP H F
Richard ThomasonP H T F
Richard WaltersCP H F
Richie TaylorP H F
Rob KennardCP H F
Robert BoydenCP H F
Robert Dowdell AP HL
Robert HamblettP H LN
Robert PowellP H F
Robert SmithP H L
Robin WallaceP H CC F
Rod KedwardP H F
Roger BarberCP H T M L
Roger EdwardsP H SC N
Roger ElletsonCP H N
Roy AttfieldCP H F
Roy MenageP H TI SC TP MF
Roy ShonsCP H F
Russell EddingtonP H LN
Russell Hesketh-RobertsAP H D SI T M F
Russell WintersP H F
Ryu PhillipsCP H N
Sam NewingtonCP H T F
Scott MountifieldCP H F
Sean StainesP H SC MP HL
Shamus PittsP H F
Shane WallaceCP H F
Shaun AndrewsCP H L
Simon JonesP H F
Simon MillenP H F
Sir John Holder BtP H M F
Slawomir BartoszP H F
Stephen MaynardCP H F
Stephen McphailCP H F
Stephen MeineckCP H F
Stephen ShovlarP H CC F
Stephen WoodP H T F
Steve BoydCP HCP HL
Steve GeeP H F
Steve Green AP H T MF
Stewart WilliamsCP H F
Terry BranniganCP H LN
Thomas WebbP H CC F
Tim EggettCP H F
Tim OatleyP H CC F
Timothy ChandlerCP H F
Titus Fossgard-MoserCP H L
Tom McmeakinAP H D I M F
Trevor LeeP H CC F
Viktor NikolovCP H F
Will RiceCP H F
Hidden Members54557


Membership Types:
F-Full L-Life LN-Life Non-Flying S-Student N-Non-Flying
EP-Elementary Pilot CP-Club Pilot P-Pilot AP-Advanced Pilot  
TI-Trainee Instructor I-Instructor CFI-Chief Flying Instructor SI-Senior Instructor  
H-Hill T-Tow D-Dual M-Motor  
CC-Club Coach SC-Senior Coach      


Membership Statistics

Date Total
(measured at AGM)
New during year Comment
This Year   1  
2024-2025 352 41  
2023-2024 349 30  
2022-2023 368 36  
2021-2022 375 68  
2020-2021 346 64  
2019-2020 324 46  
2018-2019 303 45  
2017-2018 285 29  
2016-2017 297 36  
2015-2016 290 48  
2014-2015 272 24  
2013-2014 278 32  
2012-2013 268 27  
2011-2012 274 36 First year of BHPA membership validation, 7 members 'lost'
2010-2011 281 33  
2009-2010 278 32  
2008-2009 280 31  
2007-2008 297 58  
2006-2007 279 44  

Membership Geographical Distribution (as of April 2022)