Members' Mugshots

If you can't find your photo it's because you haven't sent me one!. Please note:

  1. Photo should be head and shoulders only please.
  2. Please size the photo to 240 pixels wide, 300 pixels high. If you are not sure, I can do this for you.
  3. IMPORTANT: Name the photo firstname_lastname.jpg, e.g. john_blessing.jpg
  4. Email the photo to me:

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All members sorted by Last name

John Alder

David Almond

Ben Bailey

Luke Baldry

Chris Barratt

Martin Beetham

Adrian Bishop

John Blessing

Howard Blythe

Nigel Bourn

Richard Braley

Mike Bretherton

Phillip Brolan

Jeremy Calderwood

Charles Campion-Smith

Pete Chalmers

Adrian Coombe

Nigel Cowley

Gordon Crisp

Fiona Dalzell

Jeff Davies

Richard Davis

Andy Dawson

Bob Dear

Harry Dike

Kevin Dingley

Andy Donaldson

Robert Dowdell

Roger Edwards

Kaye Escott

Paul Escott

Andy Fenton

Alastair Florence

David Franklin

Richard Furneaux

Ian Gillespie

Chris Graham

Darren Griffin

Jonathan Harrop

Paul Hawkins

Martin Hayward

Jason Hemmings

Henry Hookings

Rene Jungbar

Rod Kedward

Neil Kermode

Trevor Lee

Gillian LeGras

Adrian Leppard

Giusseppe Lund

Przemyslaw Marek

Neil McCain

Roy Menage

Brian Metcalfe

Dave Moores

Nicole Moores

Richard Mosley

George Nott-bower

Tim Oatley

Goran Oberg

David Ormerod

Andrew Pearse

John Pinchin

Shamus Pitts

Gary Puhl

John Readings

Peter Robinson

Mark Russell

Neil Russell

Stephen Shovlar

James Smith

Phil Smith

Sean Staines

Rafal Talarek

Mark Tattersall

Richard Thomason

Philip VENN

Robin Wallace

Richard Walters

Andrew Ward

Martin Wareham

Brian Watson

Alan Webb

Marcus Webster

John Welch

Neil Weymouth

Matthew Whicher

David Winn

Anthony Woodley

John Wreford

Keith Wright

Julian Yates